
Open Source

Repeater World is open source, that means that all the code that was written to create Repeater World is freely available to all hams radio operators and everyone else in the world. You can find it and fork it on Github: Repeater World. You can host your own copy if you want.

Of course, we would prefer if you didn't host your own and instead contributed to Repeater World. You can get the code, modify it, and make a pull request, and after reviewing it, we'll merge it and it'll get release to our production servers for you and everyone else to enjoy.

Open Data

We not only want our code to be free and open, we want our data too. Some of the data we have is inherently private and will remain protected as best as we can. For example, our list of users and their searches is private and will never be exportable. In the future, there might be other private information (like exact location of repeaters, addresses, keepers, etc).

What we want to make the list of repeaters completely free and open for anyone to do whatever they want with it. We believe this matches the spirit of tinkering and experimentation of ham radio. Unfortunately, the way we source data sometimes imposes a limitation and those limitations will be imposed on those receiving the data. When you download the data from our servers, records will be marked with their redistribution limitations, which generally will be an URL to a page that elaborates.

We currently have these limitations:

You can help us make the information free by submitting your own repeaters and making the information public domain. You can submit them to [email protected] whether it's a repeater we have with limitations or a new one.

You can export our data, fresh from the database:

The API is still unstable (hence the version number is "next"), once it's been stabilized, we'll publish it at v1.