Add a New Repeater

About You

Some details about you, completely optional, but if you provide them, we can get in touch for any follow ups.

You can submit repeater anonymously, but it really helps if we can contact you for more details.

Private notes that will not be published. Anything you want to tell us about this repeater.

Repeater Essentials

This will be in the public record of the repeater.

The frequency the repeater transmits on, use Hz or include the unit please.

The frequency the repeater receives on or an offset (start with + or -). Use Hz or include the unit please

What modes are supported by this repeater?


Only applicable if the repeater supports FM.


Only applicable if the repeater supports D-Star.


Only applicable if the repeater supports Fusion.


Only applicable if the repeater supports DMR.

Likely something like BRANDMEISTER or freeDMR, but there are many others.


Only applicable if the repeater supports M17.


Only applicable if the repeater supports EchoLink.


Without the location, the repeater will be impossible to find.

If you know it, if not, we'll figure it out from the address or grid square

If you know it, if not, we'll figure it out from the address or grid square

Address where the repeater is, if known.

Or any other region demarcation


Nice-to-haves, if you know them.

Model or any details about the transmit antenna.

Use watts or include the unit please.

Model or any details about the receive antenna.

Please use meters or include the unit

Please use meters or include the unit

Likely one of: 10m, 6m, 4m, 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 33cm, 23cm, 13cm, 9cm, 6cm or 3cm or leave it blank, we'll figure it out from the frequencies.

Not the frequency, this is for places where repeaters are assigned channels, like in the UK.